Mapping & Surveying

Utilising Drones for Cost-Effective Land Surveying

Mapping of a section

Drones have revolutionised the field of land surveying and mapping services, prominently increasing speed while simultaneously reducing operating costs. They have proven their competence by maintaining high levels of precision and accuracy across projects ranging from single parcels to thousands of acres. We can supply imaging data directly to clients or collaborate with land surveyors, engineers, or architects in order to enhance their services. This collaboration aids in quicker service delivery at a reduced cost.

The Wide Range of Drone Data Applications

Our drone-captured data can be utilised to produce various work products such as orthomosaic photos for detailed visual inspection and topographic mapping. Our images are used in the creation of maps and drawings, providing the most accurate absolute world coordinate positioning and relative measurements critical for legal and engineering specifications. However, it is important to note that we are not registered land surveyors but collaborate with them whenever required. This collaboration ensures that our work products comply with regulatory standards and other legal requirements within the land surveying and engineering professions.

Drone Imagery: Assistance Not Replacement

While our survey-grade imaging services significantly speed up the process of completing topographic surveys especially over large areas, they do not eliminate the need for a certified land surveyor’s verification on accuracy in final products.

The Innovation Revolution through Autonomous Drone Surveyors

Autonomous drone surveyors generate “photomaps” from aerial photographs; removing distortion and introducing accurate measurements via ground sampling distances allow human operators to construct precise digital elevation models, contours, volume measurements among others.

For centuries, the task of getting an accurate lay of land has been pursued with tools ranging from transits to levels and even traditionally using theodolites. The advent of flight brought about a drastic change allowing us a new perspective through aerial mapping; this coupled with advanced mapping software has propelled surveying science exponentially forward.

Surveyors often find themselves in tough situations — trekking out into untamed wilderness or trying to get just the right angle on a city street — which presents arduous, sometimes dangerous challenges. It’s high time for Volare Drone Innovations to step up by lending them a hand.

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Operated remotely and fitted with a suite of high-definition cameras, drones can perform discreet flyovers to snap unique and breathtaking aerial photographs for every project.

What is drone Photogrammetry? Drone photogrammetry mapping is a process of creating maps and 3D models from aerial images captured by drones. The process involves capturing overlapping images of an area from different angles, which are then processed using photogrammetry software. Mapping has always been a game of collaboration. It’s hard for one explorer to plot out an entire area by themselves, but if many adventurers combine their data, the easier and more efficient it becomes. That’s the basic idea behind “photogrammetry” producing image mosaics using software to combine multiple drone photographs together, removing distortion and providing accurate measurements. When aerial images are combined with ground control points, the software can produce a scalable, high-definition orthomosaic map of a site. From here, it’s possible to produce three-dimensional models, contour maps, digital surface models, and other vital maps in a variety of formats.

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Stockpile Measurements

With our drones, highly accurate measurements can be made of multiple stockpiles at once. Compared to other methods that rely on a relatively low number of survey points to try to represent a complex pile shape, Volare Drone Innovations produces more accurate stockpile volumes from real-world profiles, on a more frequent, timely and cost-effective basis, with greater safety in a live operations environment.

Measuring stockpiles outdoors provides its own challenges and constraints. With careful consideration of each structure, we may be able to conduct precise drone flights and create accurate models suitable for measurements. If you have completed a Stockpile Volume Survey in the past using traditional methods, you likely realize that the process can be time consuming, and in some cases, dangerous. Whether you need to measure the stockpile volume of asphalt, aggregate, coal, or anything else in your inventory, our technology is quick, safe, and convenient

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Exploring the Potential of Orthomosaic Mapping

Think of an orthomosaic map as a significantly sharper, higher resolution, and more detailed version of Google Earth. These maps consist of composite images stitched together from hundreds, if not thousands, of drone-captured photos—an operation known as photogrammetry.

Understanding Photogrammetry

Photogrammetry represents a branch of science dedicated to achieving reliable measurements from aerial photographs. The orthoimages produced are corrected for any errors related to lens distortion, camera tilt perspective, and topographic relief- the variations in elevation and curvature across the earth's surface. In addition to this correction process, these orthophotos carry key metadata such as geo-location details, altitude data, and specifics about the camera used.

Leveraging Drone Mappings’ Comparative Advantages

The perspective and accuracy offered by drone-enabled orthomosaics far surpass that provided by standard aerial photos. Thus providing an effective tool which can be used to measure accurate distances during various stages ranging from planning and pre-construction to final walkthroughs or inspections.

Engaging Orthorectification for Comprehensive Site Imaging

Orthomosaics feature high-resolution imaging of expansive site areas that have been rectified for camera distortion and the curvature effect.  This adjusted photo allows critical measures such as direct horizontal distances or specific longitude and latitude coordinates at any location on the image.

The Synergy Between Aerial Images And Ground Control Points

When combined with ground control points (GCP), software can generate scalable high-definition orthomosaic maps of any given site. Postproduction capabilities include creation of three-dimensional models; contour maps; digital surface models; volume calculations among other key functions adjustable in multiple formats - empowering users to make informed decisions based on a deeper understanding of their terrain.

Versatility Of Orthomosaic Application Across Industries

The utility value driven by these precise representations extends into aiding teams involved in engineering & surveying who can quickly derive highly accurate topography related data – helping identify existing gradients; drainage hotspots; vegetation coverages; water paths etc., promising major benefits for construction firms. These companies would find such mapped views especially useful for frequent updating of work sites progress over time span while leveraging its measurement proficiency.

Further applications extend also into performing aerial inspections aiding security checks around equipment/material inventory or inspecting rooftops/solar installations/ deteriorated buildings amongst others scenarios where analogous methods represent formidable challenge. Interestingly sourcing updated meaningful imagery enables potential use in legal proceedings too.

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Maximizing Efficiency in Site Work with Drone Technology

Every new or existing site project hinges on the ability to accurately calculate the quantity of fill required or to be removed. The effectiveness of measuring a surface over time also plays a crucial role in project success. Thanks to our repeatable mission capabilities, your team can access reliable and accurate data more rapidly than ever before.

The Benefits of Recurring Volumetric Analysis

Regular volumetric analysis enables your team to accurately monitor material usage and track project progress. This approach permits an efficient comparison between proposed grading plans and authentic topographic conditions. Measure cut and fill volumes, fine-tune imported material quantities, and control costs more effectively with this invaluable tool.

Harnessing Advanced Stockpile Analytics for Enhanced Oversight

With sophisticated stockpile analytics at your disposal, you gain improved visibility into your inventory levels. This insight empowers you to manage material usage effectively, plan ahead for provisioning needs, and more easily adhere to budgetary constraints.

Utilizing Drones for Tracking Cut & Fill Quantities

Benefit from our drones' ability to easily and precisely track cut & fill quantities for streamlined earthmoving phases. Ensure compliance with grading plans using the precise cut and fill feature afforded by drone technology.

Achieving Superior Earthwork Management

Gain enhanced control over your earthwork contractors while identifying discrepancies over time through constant monitoring. With this data-driven approach fostered by drone technology, making informed change decisions becomes smoother facilitating effective management.

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Drone Surveying: A Game-Changer in Modern Surveying

Drone surveying has emerged as a speedy, accurate, and cost-friendly alternative to traditional land surveying. Instead of a team of surveyors having to navigate through challenging terrain, developments in drone technologies now enable the use of “geographic information system surveys” or GIS surveys.

The Efficiency of Data Collection with Drones

Drones have markedly reduced the time required for data collection by allowing data processing during flyovers. A single drone flight can produce millions of data points—a feat that would take a human team weeks to accomplish.

Cost-Effectiveness and Safety Enhancements in Drone Surveying

Apart from its superior efficiency, drone surveying also excels in cost-effectiveness when compared to traditional survey methods. Furthermore, the potential safety risks associated with manual land surveying are significantly mitigated since less time is spent by human teams on potentially hazardous terrain.

Role Of Topographic Data In Addressing Natural And Anthropogenic Hazards

Topographic data plays an essential role in comprehending natural hazards as well as human-induced impacts on the land. By examining topography, it's feasible to gauge if slope instability or erosion has negatively impacted our environment and predict the potential for leaks associated with these conditions—thus enabling effective disaster management planning.

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Our Thoughts

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